Std testing dubai
Call at +971 4 3536164 (Jumeirah 2)
or +971 4 3798747 (Satwa Roundabout)
std hiv testing and specialist doctor in dubai

Frequently Asked Questions for Std Testing

How long will it take to get my results?

Within 2 weeks you will be contacted with your results by your preferred method of contact.

Do you have to tell my parents/doctor about my results?

No all results are confidential but there may be occasions when we have to share information with your doctor if we cannot contact you.

What are the symptoms for Chlamydia?

Most people will not have symptoms however some can include:

In women

A vaginal discharge that is different than usual

The need to urinate more often

Pain when passing urine

Pain during sex

Pain in the pelvis or lower abdomen

Any irregular bleeding between periods or after sex


In men

A discharge from the tip of the penis

Pain and/or burning when passing urine

Painful swelling of the testicles

I am positive for Chlamydia, what do I do now?

If you test positive for Chlamydia through Cosmocare then we will arrange for you and your partner to get treatment at a time and location that is most convenient for you.

Who gave the Chlamydia infection to me?
It is very difficult to work out who gave you the Chlamydia infection, as often there are no symptoms. Regular testing can limit the amount of time you have it.

How long have I had Chlamydia for?
We have no way of knowing how long you have had the infection for; all we can tell you is that you have an active infection now.

What is the treatment for Chlamydia?
Most people will receive one dose of antibiotic but this will be discussed with you when you access treatment. Also see what is chlamydia?

What happens at the clinic?
You will be seen by a doctor or nurse who will give you antibiotics to treat Chlamydia there and then.  You will not have a prescription to take home the treatment is free.

Can I drink on/after treatment?
We advise not to drink the day of your treatment

Can I have sex after treatment?
You need to wait 7 days after your treatment to allow the antibiotics to work.  It should also be 7 days after any partner is treated to avoid you being re-infected.

Can I go to my GP for treatment?
You can go to your GP for treatment but you may have to pay for your prescription.  It is easier to attend one of the clinics where we can arrange an appointment and treatment is free.

Will Chlamydia come back after I have been treated?
No, provided you have taken your medication correctly, did not vomit within 2 hours of taking it and your partner was also treated.

How soon can I test to see if the Chlamydia infection has gone?
You can test 8 weeks after you have taken your treatment.  If you test earlier than this then you might still receive a positive result.  This can be due to dead Chlamydia cells that the body can shed for up to eight weeks after you took your treatment.

Will chlamydia make me infertile?
Chlamydia can lead to infertility if left untreated.  It can cause ectopic pregnancies and scar/block the fallopian tubes.  The longer you have the infection for or the move times you get it then the more damage can be done.

Will Chlamydia affect my baby?
Having Chlamydia whilst pregnant will not harm your baby provided you get the infection treated as soon as possible.

Will the treatment affect my baby?
Treatment for Chlamydia is perfectly safe to take whilst you are pregnant.

Can I give the Chlamydia infection to my children/child?
No, you cannot give Chlamydia to your children.  They cannot catch it by kissing or cuddling.

Can Chlamydia be passed by using the same towels etc?
No, Chlamydia cannot be passed on by using towels or sharing the same bedding.

Can you catch Chlamydia from a toilet seat?
No, you cannot catch Chlamydia from a toilet seat.

Can you catch Chlamydia from kissing?
You cannot catch Chlamydia from kissing

Do I have to tell my partner?
Yes, it is important that you tell your partner so that they can get treated otherwise they might give the Chlamydia infection back to you.

Can you arrange treatment for my partner?
Yes, we can arrange treatment for your partner(s)

My partner doesn't have symptoms, do they need treating?
Even though your partner does not have symptoms they too will also need treating.  Not everyone with Chlamydia will get symptoms.

I have had a positive Chlamydia test and my partner has had a negative test, why is that? Does this mean he does not need treatment?
You will both need treatment.  It is possible that the test has not picked the infection up in your partner for different reasons - no test is 100%.  If your partner was taking antibiotics for another reason it could mask the infection; the test might not have been collected or stored properly.

Call at +971 4 3536164 (Jumeirah 2)
or +971 4 3798747 (Satwa Roundabout)